Open call for artists under 35 on the theme of minority languages of Europe
“Sunsûrs” is a Friulian term that means whisper, noise, murmur, clamor, din.
Continuo APS and Spazioersetti gallery in collaboration with Audiorama, invites composers, sound artists and musicians to present sound works related to the theme of the minority languages of Europe for the Ljudbänken sound bench, which will be exhibited in the public gardens of Udine and in various selected locations of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region during the international sound art festival “Il Suono in Mostra 2021”.
The proposals that will be able to render the richness of the European minority linguistic heritage through the form of the sound installation and adequately to the proposed context will be privileged.
As defined in Article 1 of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, it applies to languages traditionally used by the nationals of the State Parties that are very different from the majority or official language. The treaty does not protect languages that are used by recent immigrants from other countries. Also, the treaty does not protect local dialects of the official or majority language.
In Europe there are about 80 minority languages, which coexist with the 24 officials registered with the European Union and are spoken by about 40 million people.
The call is open to artists of any nationality and up to 35 years of age at the date of the application.
The submitted works must meet the following criteria:
- uncompressed audio format 44.1KHz / 16bit or 48KHz / 24bit
- 1 to 4 synchronized channels (in separate files or in multi-channel format)
- minimum duration: 5 minutes
- frequency range: 60Hz – 17kHz (no subwoofer)
- also attach a brief description of the sound work and, in the case of use of lyrics or complete sentences, the English translation of the texts.
The Ljudbänken sound bench is public sound art installation created by Audiorama – Swedish Center for Spatial Sonorities. It is a vis-à-vis model with 4 speakers built into the backrests. Two speakers are directed inwards and two towards the outside of the seat (see diagram).
The sound composition will be played in a loop, as visitors sit on the bench, the audio is activated starting from a random point in the piece. In the absence of an audience, it gradually becomes silent.
The bench will be placed in generally secluded and quiet places, the public will be invited to a listening moment that can also be extended over time.
Speaker disposition diagram
Channel 1: inward left
Channel 2: inward right
Channel 3: outward left
Channel 4: outward right

The proposed works must be received no later than Wednesday 30 June 2021 at 24 CET
€ 10.00 to be paid via Paypal to:
or by bank transfer made out to: Continuo APS
IBAN: IT79Z0501802200000011715414 BIC: CCRTIT2T84A
Bank name: Banca Popolare Etica
Bank charges must be borne by payer.
A net fee of € 300.00 will be paid to the selected artist or collective. His work will be included in the official program of the international sound art festival Il Suono in Mostra and will be exhibited for a period of about 4 weeks during the months of July / October 2021.
No royalties will be paid to the authors.
send your proposals by e-mail using wetransfer or other file sharing services to:
tel / sms / telegram: +39 347 2543 623
skype: antonio DM
Ljudbänken project by Audiorama
Il Suono in Mostra – international sound art festival
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
For any additional info don’t hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to hear from you.
The team of Spazioersetti
Project by Continuo APS and Spazioersetti gallery in collaboration with Audiorama – Swedish Center for Spatial Sonorities.
The original design of the bench is by Jonas Wahlström. ©Mattias Ek/Stockholms stad (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 SE)